About me

Hi, I am Cal and for as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated with nature. Some of my earliest memories is seeing my first porcupine on Table Mountain, catching my first fish along the river banks of Silverstroom or paging through my grandmother’s bird book wondering where on earth I could find all these magnificently colorful birds.

After completing my studies and working a few corporate jobs, the curiosity of my childhood dreams grew stronger. I purchased my first camera and started photographing some of Cape Town’s unique fynbos and wetland birds.

As my photography journey developed, I started exploring larger game reserves and I eventually set out to explore our famous Kruger National Park. This trip was one that sparked my love for the bush.

Soon after, I enrolled for a field guiding course and set off looking for new adventures. Now I am privileged to be working and living in one of the most wild and naturally beautiful areas of South Africa.

Wild Adventures Blog serves to share my passion for wildlife photography and all the stories that I get to enjoy along this journey, with you.

Help me to continue realising this dream by exploring the wilderness through my journey into the wild. Please take a moment to read about some of my encounters and share these stories with other adventurers who may find value in them. Follow my blog for new and exciting updates via email.