Rixaka meets baby impala

One of the best parts of November is waiting for the baby impala to be born. Each season you forget how small and helpless they are until you get to see them again.

One of the down sides to their helplessness is that leopards and most predators take full advantage during this initial period.

I spent the afternoon watching Rixaka pick up on the scent or sound of a herd of impala nearby. For such a young leopard, she has very quickly figured out that time is of the essence. She swiftly dashed across a clearing, headed for the tree line and weaved her way through until she could get to a tall Marula tree. She scaled the tree effortlessly and used it as a vantage point to locate the impala herd.

From this point she could easily pinpoint the position of the small nursery herd. One could see how focused she was as she calculated their movements and assessed what her next movements would be. Once her route was planned she descended the marula tree and bolted towards another thicket.

I watched as she navigated scores of silver cluster trees. At one point it seemed as if she got close enough to make her final move. Unfortunately the impala kept moving along, further away from Rixaka’s calculated path. Eventually she gave up and caught her breath. I left her and decided to follow up again the next day.

I returned to the same area the following morning. It did not surprise me that she was found in a tree feeding on a young impala.

Rixaka has already left the company of Boulders for quite some time. Even before leaving her mom she already managed to hone in her hunting skills. With all the unsuspecting baby impala around, Rixaka will quickly refine her technique.

9 Comments on “Rixaka meets baby impala

  1. Watching leopards stalk and hunt is simply magical; I feel blessed with having seen this several times. Wow, this brings back the most beautiful memories. You simply have to admire their stealth, agility and power. Thank you again, Cal, for this magical blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Marianne, I agree it is something that needs to be witnessed. I think it’s the stealth factor that makes it so unbelievable.


  2. Many thanks once again, Cal. Beautiful photography. I hope we get to see Rixana while at Leopard Hills very soon.
    Catherine Constable

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Catherine. Luckily she is spending a great deal of time around our property so it makes it relatively easy to find her. Hope you get to see her too.


  3. Thank you for sharing!
    She is more and more beautiful and good to see her doing so well. I saw her earlier this year in March, still with her mom
    Thank you! 🙂

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