Magical moments from May

The month of May has been a confusing one, especially with regards to the weather. We are still experiencing warm summer-like days, but the temperatures are certainly dropping as soon as the sun sets.

Life in the bush has slowed down and a calming silence has taken over the landscape as the birds and insects have moved on to warmer areas.

It has been a very long wait to see a cheetah in my area again and what a surprise it was stumbling across this young boy. The plan for the day was to head out and track the Othawa lion pride, but while passing by an open clearing, the setting sun illuminated this gorgeous youngster posing in the short grass.

One bird species that does not feature often is the Ostrich. I came across a group of three and noticed that the male was in his breeding plumage. This can be seen by his pink beak and shins.

One can never go wrong with this stunner, a Lilac breasted Roller. As the bush starts to dry out during winter, these birds offer a nice pop of colour to the slightly dull surroundings.

The biggest highlight of the month was the announcement of the Mhangene lion pride with their newest set of cubs on a wildebeest kill. Four of the females entered the area and proudly showed off their nine cubs.

Trying to view nine little busy bodies in long winter grass is not the easiest thing. Just when you think you are able to lock onto one, they run around and join their siblings.

The cubs found great amusement in fighting over the tail of the wildebeest. A tug of war match quickly ensued.

This youngster seemed to be the smallest one of the litter.

As cute and cuddly as they appear at first sight, they quickly remind you of the natural instincts they already possess.

Each lion cub is already jostling for dominance and their place within the pride.

Some of the cubs took a laid back approach and knew that mom would still provide them with quality milk to drink.

9 Comments on “Magical moments from May

  1. Stunning new blog, Cal. How I adore lions; these cubs are so cute and ferocious at the same time. Love to see the other wildlife as well. This young cheetah is fenomenal. As we have never visited the bush in May, it is great to get such an impression. Thanks again, Cal. René and I enjoyed it very much.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Cal, A super memory jog seeing your blog again. The Mhangene lion pride photos are especially lovely. What a wonderful cheetah sighting – the non-planned sightings are always the best. Looking forward to June news from LH. Thanks for sharing.

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  3. Pingback: Magical moments from May | Only Fragments

  4. These pics and all others travel my soul back to South Africa – thanks for sharing!
    Warm hello from Munich, Jackie

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Jackie, thanks for stopping by. Glad you enjoyed the pics and posts and that they recreate all the fond memories that you have.


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