Tag: Wildlife

Rixaka meets baby impala

One of the best parts of November is waiting for the baby impala to be born. Each season you forget how small and helpless they are until you get to see them again. One of the down sides to their helplessness is that leopards… Continue Reading “Rixaka meets baby impala”

Some spring specials

After a long dry spell, the rains have finally arrived. A good number of leaves have already started to emerge on the trees, but this rain will certainly kick-start the spring spin around. Boulder’s female leopard has done it yet again, raising another cub… Continue Reading “Some spring specials”

Mhangene lionesses show off their cubs again

It has been a couple of weeks since I have last seen these cubs. It is scary to think how quickly they grow within just a few weeks. The Mhangene lion pride is known for one thing in particular, hunting buffalo. Not only are… Continue Reading “Mhangene lionesses show off their cubs again”

Family trip to Kruger – June 2023

After a successful first trip to the Kruger National Park, my family decided to join on their second adventure to the infamous park. Watching a troop of baboons going about their day will always provide some type of entertainment or comedic relief. We watched… Continue Reading “Family trip to Kruger – June 2023”

Magical moments from May

The month of May has been a confusing one, especially with regards to the weather. We are still experiencing warm summer-like days, but the temperatures are certainly dropping as soon as the sun sets. Life in the bush has slowed down and a calming… Continue Reading “Magical moments from May”

Autumn takes over April

The onset of cooler mornings and evenings as well as shades of yellow, orange and brown taking over the landscape indicate that Autumn is in full swing. Bird calls have slowed down and last seasons babies are growing up quickly. Yet there is always… Continue Reading “Autumn takes over April”

Plains Camp and Ximungwe lions on honeymoon

It has been a crazy month monitoring the movements between the various lions around the area. The two dominant Plains Camp male lions keep patrolling their newly acquired area in the west. Most nights are filled with the incredible sound of their mighty roars.… Continue Reading “Plains Camp and Ximungwe lions on honeymoon”

Marching through March

Taking a slow drive through the Kruger National Park is one way to ease into a new work cycle. Elephant traffic jams and halting for hyenas do not seem all that strenuous. I managed to enjoy a fun walk by from this lone hyena… Continue Reading “Marching through March”

The bush comes full circle

It seems like I have come full circle with regards to seasonal changes in the bush. I started my wild adventures as the 2015/2016 droughts took effect and have now experienced my first set of floods. The rains have subsided and the rivers are… Continue Reading “The bush comes full circle”

Starting off with 2023

The New Year has started off at an incredible pace and life in the bush has been busy. Thank you for all the support during 2022. I appreciate all the likes, comments, views and shares. I hope that 2023 brings another great year of… Continue Reading “Starting off with 2023”